Tuesday, September 3, 2013

MOVING! (again)

Hi folks, I know I've talked to some of you, but to many, this will be a surprise:  we're moving to Merrill!  I got a job at Klamath Community College, and we couldn't turn down the opportunity to be near family!  We're really excited.  Patrick and the boys are up there now, while I finish up my two weeks at Napa.  The kids started school today (9/3) and while they were very sad to leave, they seem happy now.  As these pictures show, we got the kids' room set up already at Mom and Dad's.   We're in for a whirlwind of activity the next few weeks, but I hope to post again when things settle down.
Patrick and I are both keeping our cell numbers for now, but our new mailing address is
PO Box 562 Merrill OR  97633.

Summers End

The kids and I had a GREAT time at the family reunion - sorry I didn't get any more pictures.

Yes, those really are naked boys jumping on the trampoline - that's no big deal around here.   The new thing of note is the dog -  Bella has taken up jumping.  Every once in a while we'll catch her out there by herself.

The first day of school - (first time around at Stone Bridge)
Trajan on Lauren's Trampoline

Camping at Lett's Lake - August 2013

Lauren's Birthday

We all had a great time putting together Lauren's big gift.  Happy Birthday Lauren, we love you!

Sacramento Zoo - August 2013

Camping at Shasta Lake - July 2013

1st Grade Class Play

Percy was fabulous as "The Rain" in the 1st grade class play of the four seasons.

Hadrian Turns Five!