Saturday, December 12, 2015

Lak e of the Woods

Most of the camping this summer was done by the boys while I stayed home and worked (I know, seriously unfair, right?)  Once pictures from Patrick's phone can be found, I'll post those.  These ones are from a one night stay at Lake of the Woods we snuck in over a weekend.  Dad had his patio boat moored up there for teaching dive classes and let us sleep on it.  It reminded me so much of the fabulous house-boating vacations we used to take when I was little.  The kids (and adults for that matter) had so much fun!  And since we've been camping inside the trailer the past two years, the night out in the open was a wonderful reminder of how much we love it.  Notice the many layers of blankets though - even summer in Oregon was cold for our California blood ;-)


There was a nest in the corner of the patio boat when we got there.  We didn't realize it was occupied until the parents came back.  At first they were very timid and didn't want to approach the nest while we were there, but after a few hours they got used to us and we were able to watch them feed their babies and they settled in for the night with us!

The most incredible part of our trip - Percy learned to ski!  He's a natural.

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