Tuesday, March 24, 2015

March Misc.

Trajan discovered a ball of yarn in the car.  He wrapped the entire thing around his hand.  What fun!

Fabulous new blankets from Lyne and Janice! 

March 14, 2015  A fabulous excuse to eat pie in the morning (at 9:26 actually)

Yes, this really is Trajan with his head stuck in the fence.  In retrospect, it probably wasn't that funny, but at the time, I found the three year old logic hilarious as it must have said, "Look a lose board, can I pull it down?  Yes I can. Can I stick my head in the gap?  Well not really, but if I push really hard with my head and pull on the board, maybe it will fit." .  Fortunately he did too.  I really have no idea how long he would have stood there, but he didn't seem to mind.  Nothing better to do I guess  :)  It was a good ten minutes to find Patrick, find the drill, make sure Hadrian wasn't playing in the street (after all, we knew where Trajan was, he wasn't going anywhere)

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