Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Making Root Beer

For years I have wanted to make root beer with real sassafras.  So a couple of weeks ago we did it.
After making a gallon of root beer we pored it into bottles and capped them.  I think it came out very good.  There was a complexity to the flavor that you just don't find in the dark sugar water you buy in the stores.  Next time we will add a little sarsaparilla.  Can you say YUM!

The Rooster is Gone

Roodie the Rooster has found a new home.  He is now leading up a henrom of 23 and is both happier and much more tired then when he was henpecked by our four hens.

The Bynum's Buy a New Car

Well actually we didn't buy it yet mainly because Shawna doesn't see the value in an old dump truck for a family of five.  "What kind of gas mileage does it get?" she asks, completely proving that she just doesn't get it, and when I reply "Well, that depends of weather we can get it started, doesn't it?" She looks at me like I'm the one that doesn't get it.  I don't think I should have to explain that to a math teacher that if we don't start it (gas use, zero) and we push it even one inch is gas mileage is infinite.  That's better then a Prius any day.

Being fair the above conversation didn't really happen mainly because I'm afraid to bring it up.

Ksenia's Baby Shower

Hadrian was in heaven and Percy made a new friend at Ksenia's baby shower.  Later Lola (the dog) ate Trajan, that's why we don't have any pictures of him.

Koy's Birthday Party

Trajan and Hadrian had their tongues turn black after eating fondant off of Koy’s birthday cake.  Later in the day, both tongues atrophied and fell out, making it much easier to get the kids to eat the meals that they used to turn their noses up at. "etz asier do eot baba slot en oo ant ais ot" said Trajan a couple days after the party.  I am pleased to report that the tongues are growing back and should be in place before the Christmas photo season.